4.23 Communication

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Well Said Wednesday in Haiku: Typos

A message from the official haiku division of 4.23 Communication.

Today, a blog in haiku form about typos.

They happen.

We work hard to make them not happen but sometimes that sh*t just sneaks through.

It happens to the best of us. It happens to the worst of us. It happens to Bravo reality TV stars (and I might have sent them an email about a typo on their website.)

I firmly stand by the sentiment in the haiku. Yes, you should try to avoid errors. And you can feel bad about a typo. But you don’t need to feel that bad. Unless you are the diploma maker for fictional Elmdale College (my fellow Schitt’s Creek fans know what I mean!)

We’re human.

Whatever you do, don’t let the fear of a typo hold you back from sharing your message!

“Well Said Wednesday” is a blog by Barbara Govednik, Founder, Content Coach & Message Strategist of 4.23 Communication. It’s published every other Wednesday…ish.