Like most business owners, I’ve been doing a lot of juggling these last few months.
Huge chunks of time have gone to my clients, helping them shift their messaging to meet all the new realities the world has flung our way.
Another chunk of hours went to examining and undoing carefully constructed content plans that no longer resonated (both mine and my clients’.)
Which launched the re-imagining my Build Your Content Plan workshops. The new working title: What The Heck Do We Say This Month? (That name might be a bit too on-the-nose. Weigh in if you’d like, or with what help you need right now for content planning.)
A board that I volunteer for has needed my support to message massive changes to its multiple constituencies.
I’ve taken a hard look at my own skills and offerings and asked “what can I do to help?” and “what do my folks need right now?”
And the answer was, my folks needed two things:
1) Guidance on how to message the tumult
Which has resulted in customized message planning/adjusting work with clients. If the world has changed your business and you want to talk about shifting your message, please grab time on my schedule.
2) A way to be productive and feel less isolated
Which led to On Fridays, We Write: Virtual Co-working, Accountability & Connection.
Every Friday at 9 am Pacific Time, a group of us get together on Zoom. The session consists of three 45-minute writing sprints to write content for our businesses, get book chapters done, tackle tricky emails we’ve been putting off, plan, declutter, paint. A lot gets done.
It’s often the most productive part of our weeks! You should join us for the September sessions and see if it can make a difference in your productivity. Or if you’d like to take a one-time test run, here’s your link.
Which is a long way of saying that with all the juggling, balls got dropped. Actually, some balls got gently set to the side for a while.
I’ve always preached to my Build Your Content Plan folks that they should only take on the outreach schedule they can maintain for the long run. Walking my talk, I trimmed back the blog so I could keep The 23rd on schedule.
So that’s where I’ve been. What’s been happening with you?
P.S. Yes that headline is a rip off of the great Maria Semple book “Where’d You Go, Bernadette.” Pick up a copy if you need a light, funny, heartfelt read. But I’d skip the movie.